California Cannabis News, Medical Marijuana Info, Weed Entertainment and Pot Education
Study: Marijuana May Help Prevent Diabetes
Defense Wins Victory For Parents Who Use Medical Marijuana
Ethan Nadelmann’s Analysis Of Obama’s Marijuana Legalization Interview
Stopped By Police Again #16
MJ Decrim Drops Youth Crime Rates by Stunning 20%
The San Francisco-based Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) recently released a policy briefing with an analysis of arrest data collected by the California Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center. The briefing, “California Youth Crime Plunges to All-Time Low,” identifies a new state marijuana decriminalization law that applies to juveniles, not just adults, as the driving force behind the plummeting arrest totals.
Outdoor Cultivation Banned In Sacramento, Greenhouses OK

The headlines in the mainstream press read "Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation Ban," but the Emerald Growers Association (EGA) and California NORML both endorsed Sacramento's personal use medical cannabis cultivation ordinance, which follows a statewide trend in outlawing the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana. What's up?
Feds Demand Mendo County MMJ Records
Happy Thankgiving
Weed Should Grow On Trees
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Members Of Congress Send Letter To DEA And DOJ Urging Respect Of State Marijuana Laws
Waking Up To A Brand New (Marijuana) Reality In Colorado
On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Coloradans woke up to a brand new reality. The night before, residents voted to legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol and tobacco and make it available to anyone over the age of twenty-one to use and possess as well as allow every adult to grow up to six plants. For some people who have fought against marijuana prohibition for decades, this is a huge day in the history of Colorado and a step forward in removing over seventy-five years of propaganda and, hopefully, rewriting the tarnished history of a little plant called cannabis (a.k.a., “marijuana.”)
D.A.R.E. Program Drops Marijuana
Washington State Legalizes Marijuana
Washington State Joins Colorado By Passing A Marijuana Legalization Initiative
The good news just keeps rolling in! Washington State media outlets are calling a victory for I-502, as are activists. That makes 2! The feds are going to have their hands full if they try to interfere with democracy. Below is the reaction from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:Colorado Becomes The First State To Legalize Marijuana
Colorado and Washington Voters Legalize Marijuana
Colorado and Washington Voters Legalize Marijuana
Update on Colorado Marijuana Legalization
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Massachusetts Becomes 18th State To Legalize Medical Marijuana
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What Happened To The Owners Of Vallejo's Shuttered Dispensaries
I was just thinking WTF happened with to the owners of Vtowns raided and closed dispensaries?
Marijuana's Prohibition Hurts Americas Youth
Vote Medical
A new Tool Enables Patients, Advocates To Make Informed Choices By Reviewing Voting Record Of Elected Officials
City Of Oakland Fights Back Against Federal Medical Marijuana Asset Forfeiture Campaign
Oakland Lawsuit In United States District Court To Stop Seizure Of Property Of Oakland Dispensary
Marijuana Cannabinoids Found to Help Combat Autism
The cannabinoid compounds naturally found in many varieties of cannabis, also known more commonly as marijuana, may help children with autism spectrum disorders experience dramatic behavioral improvements, and potentially even full recovery from their symptoms.
Worth Repeating: Marijuana Laws Stuck On Stupid For 75 Years
iPhone 5
I bet the new iPhone 5 is afflicted with some sort of nuisance bug that pisses users off.
I love my iPhone dough dunt get it twisted.
On another note, grow season really picking up trimming started already completed 2 crops.
iPhone's Tree Trimming Service. For real I'm for hire. I've got a gift. :)
CA Supreme Court Dismisses Case Against City Regulation of Medical Marijuana
Does Smoking A Lot of Cannabis Affect The Endo Cannabinoid System?
Does Smoking A Lot of Cannabis Affect The Endo Cannabinoid System?
Federal Judge Calls For Marijuana Legalization
Judge Richard A. Posner: "I think it's really absurd to be criminalizing possession or use or distribution of marijuana"
Most-Cited Judge In America Criticizes Drug War As 'Absurd'
A widely respected federal judge called for the legalization of marijuana in a lecture at Elmhurst College in Illinois on Thursday.
Judge Richard A. Posner of the influential Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago "is an intellectual giant who is the most-cited judge in America," reports Larry Bodine at "His call for legalization is considered significant because Posner is considered a legal conservative," Bodine wrote.
"I don't think we should have a fraction of the drug laws that we have," Posner said. "I think it's really absurd to be criminalizing possession or use or distribution of marijuana. I can't see any difference between that and cigarettes."
The Elmhurst College audience applauded Judge Posner's remarks.
Posner, who was called a "genius" by Judge William J. Bauer by way of introducing him, has written hundreds of court opinions and 40 books. Entire classes at law schools are devoted to his legal rulings.
A Reagan appointee, he attended Yale College, was valedictorian of his class at Harvard Law School and started his career as a clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Judge Posner said he was also skeptical about laws regarding other drugs besides cannabis.
"The notion of using the criminal law as the primary means of dealing with a problem of addiction, of misuse, of ingesting dangerous drugs -- I don't think that's sensible at all," Posner said.
According to Posner, drug laws are "responsible for a high percentage of our prisoners. And these punishments are often very, very severe. It's all very expensive."
Posner pointed out in 2010 that legalizing marijuana and other drugs would save federal, state and local governments an estimated $41.3 billion a year.
Posner has been criticized by stuffed-shirts for making his rulings look a bit like a graphic novel, using pictures of reggae icon Bob Marley, lions, ostriches and other images to underscore his opinions, according to The Nation. His tendency to use pictures -- often taken from the web -- to spice up his rulings is a rarity in a legal world where staid, dry documents are customary.
Judge Posner's entire speech can be viewed in the YouTube video below.
Marijuana Dispensary Sues Los Angeles Police Department
Study: Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Determined Safe
Investigators at Kings College in London assessed the physiological and behavioral effects of CBD and THC versus placebo in 16 healthy volunteers in a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial.
Investigators reported that the oral administration of 10 mg of THC was associated with various physiological and behavioral effects - such as increased heart rate and sedation - whereas the oral administration of 600 mg of CBD was not.
They concluded, "There were no differences between CBD and placebo on any symptomatic, physiological variable. ... In healthy volunteers, THC has marked acute behavioral and physiological effects, whereas CBD has proven to be safe and well tolerated."
A previous review of the use of CBD in human subjects, published in the scientific journal Current Drug Safety last year, similarly concluded that the compound was safe, non-toxic, and well tolerated.
Separate investigations of CBD have documented the cannabinoid to possess a variety of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-epileptic, anti-cancer, and bone-stimulating properties. In recent years, patients in states that allow for the use of cannabis therapy, particularly California, have expressed an interest in plant strains that contain uniquely high percentages of the compound.
Cannabidiol is presently classified under federal law as a schedule I prohibited substance. Such substances are required by law to possess "a high potential for abuse," "a lack of accepted safety ... under medical supervision," and "no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States."
Sheriff Sponsored MMJ Dispensary Shut Down By Feds
Thousands of medical marijuana patients lose access to medical marijuana as U.S. Attorney forces eviction of only legal dispensary, Mother Earth Alternative Healing Coop, Inc.
SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 (SAN DIEGO, CA) - Southern California’s only legal medical marijuana dispensary, Mother Earth Alternative Healing Coop, Inc. was forced to close its doors and cease operations today a a result of the U.S. Attorney’s office pressure to force its eviction. The El Cajon facility had served thousands of medical marijuana patients since it opened in July 2011 and had complied with all state and local laws. It was cited as a model operation and was lauded by many as completely fulfilling the intent of California voters who approved Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
“The loss of this facility today is a real tragedy for those patients who turned to us to help relieve the pain and suffering associated with treatments for life threatening cancers and other conditions,” said Bob Riedel of Mother Earth, Inc. “This is a sad day for them and a sad day for those who believe that the federal government has overstepped its bounds in pursuing a dubious course of action to close facilities that are legal under current state law. It’s a travesty really to divert this amount of time, resources and energy on legal and legitimate operations, a continuation of a flawed and misguided drug policy that has failed at many levels for many years.”
The closure of the Mother Earth facility came about as a result of eviction actions taken by the property’s landlord in response to pressure by U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy’s office. The tactic of forcing evictions has been repeated in a number of locations. in the meantime, there have been no attempts by the federal government to successfully overturn California State law or San Diego County ordinances which legalize medical marijuana for patients. There are approximately 70,000 such patients in San Diego County alone.
“We are leaving this operation today with a renewed determination to fight for our patients and to fight for recognition of California state law which was approved by California voters more than fifteen years ago.,” said Riedel. “The U.S. Attorney’s office is avoiding a direct challenge to that law for a reason. We believe the courts would uphold California law and we believe the U.S. Attorney fears this outcome and has decided not to directly challenge the law. That day in court is inevitable, however, and we will do all we can to force resolution of this issue as soon as possible. This action has resulted in a de facto ban on medical marijuana in San Diego.”
Mother Earth officials announced plans to pursue alternative options for the thousands of medical marijuana patients who are now left without legal means to obtain cannabis. They also released letters of support from Congressman Bob Filner and other supporters who were appealing to Governor Jerry Brown and others to take action to resolve this issue. Options to continue operations would continue to be limited to sites and protocols that not only complied with state and local laws, but exceeded those standards as did the now closed Mother Earth Alternative Healing Coop.
68-Year-Old Dies On The Way To Prison For Medical Marijuana
Billings Gazette |
Richard Flor, 68 died Wednesday night after having two heart attacks while being transported to federal prison to serve a five-year sentence for medical marijuana |
Signatures Filed To Overturn L.A. Marijuana Dispensary Ban
How To Make Canna Butter
Step 1:
You first need to procure your supplies. For this venture, you will need a large pot, a grinder of some sort, marijuana (stems, shake, trim, buds), and butter. When it comes to selecting the butter, I look to see what butter the store carries with the highest % of fat content. This is because THC is lipidic, meaning that it binds readily with fatty substances. Therefore, the more fat, the more THC the butter can hold.
FAIL: Dr. Kevin Sabet’s Anti-Marijuana Legalization Arguments Debunked
Facebook Suspends Canada’s largest Cannabis-related Facebook Page
Been Busy
This guy has the worlds best hash brownies, nay the worlds best medibles overall. I ate one and was fully medicated for over 8 hours. No joke.
Anyhow lots of news and new posts to come so check back for q contest with winner gettint q batch of these brownies.
New Mexico State Employee Fired For Legally Using Medical Marijuana
Denver Bans Medical Marijuana Advertising Outdoors
Los Angeles Sued Over Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban
2 Anaheim pot shops raided, 66 in La Habra and Anaheim warned by feds
Federal Government Files Three More Lawsuits Against Medical Marijuana Dispensary Property Owners
Arkansas To Vote On Medical Marijuana In November
Study Finds Clear Evidence That Cannabinoids Can Help Treat Various Medical Conditions
Upcoming Article "What Do We Tell Our Kids About Cannabis"
Hash brownies how to make pot cannabis weed edibles kush prop 215
Upcoming Article "What Do We Tell Our Kids About Cannabis"
will be written to help myself find the answers I feel represent an unbias truth about weed.
The way in which our govt has knowingly lied about marijuana and its effects for a number of years is a real life lesson for our youth.
We truly live in a magnificent country. However our elected officials and "the system" have a dark side young people should be made aware of.
Im not a big conspiracy guy but they do exist and the more one knows the better equiped they are to deal.
My son is 12. I planned on waiting to start having these meaningful father to son meaning of life type talks but my dad died when i was 14. I was just thinking the other day, wow i bet my dad had a bunch of stuff he was going to talk to me about, but he passed before he could. I want to tell my son everything ive learned so he may use my experiences to somehow aide his life choices and so that he hears it all straight no BS.
So why not start with a plant that improves the lifes of many, clearly has medical value, and is safer than tobacco and alcohol. But Big Daddy DEA lies has lied and will prob continue to lie about cannabis.
Congratulations Petaluma Little League Team Victorious In Williamsport
Congratulations Petaluma Little League Team Victorious In Williamsport
Big big congrats to the hottest team in tha Bay, the Petaluma Little League team won their game today at the Little League World Series.
Man I wish I had the money to cover that. Man I wish I had money for anything shit.
Hash Is Better
I havent smoked buds in awhile. Hash is better, oil too.
Never Make BHO or Acetone Hash Oil Indoors
BHO Honey Oil Hashish Oil Cannabis Concentrates Marijuana How To Weed 420
When you guys are at home making hash oil with butane or acetone or any other solvent you must perform the extraction outside in a well ventilated area.
NOT under a porch or overhang as this has been known to trap gas and has killed people.
Purge outside never inside. Even when I shake up my hash with acetone I do it outdoors.
Medical Cannabis Research: What Does the Evidence Say?
Here is an overview of the latest research.
Federal Legislation Introduced to End Asset Forfeiture Against Medical Cannabis Providers
Evaluation and Rating of Oakland 420 Evaluations
I will be evaluating and rating many Bay Area dispensaries, collectives, and delivery services in the near future and posting my results here for all to read.
The dispensaries and those organizations providing medicine will face a tough critic in myself. I will favor none and be honest about all of my experiences. I have an extensive background in retail management and have ran several business.
As a consultant I provided detailed evaluations to CEO's so I think I'm well qualified and can provide a sound opinion other patients in the Bay Area will be able to trust.
Marijuana field ripped in Cosumnes River Preserve
Is it legal to sell pot on Craigslist?
Petaluma drops bid to regulate indoor grow sites
Berkeley Patients Group finds new home on San Pablo Ave
Three months after the federal government forced it from its long-term home on San Pablo Avenue, the Berkeley Patients Group has found a new location just a few blocks away.
Construction crews have been working to transform a small, dilapidated one-story building at 2366 San Pablo Avenue near Channing Way into BPG’s new dispensary. On Wednesday, a bulldozer was breaking up an asphalt parking lot and workers were hauling away debris.
Medical Marijuana Patients Get Their Day In Federal Court With The Obama Administration
D.C. Circuit To Hear Oral Arguments This October In Lawsuit Challenging Marijuana’s Federal Classification
Late last week, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit agreed to hear oral arguments in Americans for Safe Access v. Drug Enforcement Administration, a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s classification of marijuana as a dangerous drug with no medical value. Ten years after the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) filed its petition, the courts will finally review the scientific evidence regarding the therapeutic value of marijuana. The D.C. Circuit is scheduled to hear oral arguments on October 16th at 9:30am.Doobons.Com Calls For Donations To Help Four Year Old Cancer Patient
Medical marijuana resource is calling for donations of cannabis oil to help a 4-year-old child suffering from cancer in Montana.
Pair arrested, one at large in Santa Rosa home-invasion robbery
Marijuana Extract Fights Muscle Stiffness In MS Patients
California medical marijuana operation targeted by feds
Copies of the federal Complaint for Forfeiture were taped to the front doors of the two dispensaries Tuesday, alleging that they were "operating in violation of federal law."
Study Shows Cannabis Improves Cognitive Function in Bipolar Patients
The team, from The Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, New York, found that patients with bipolar I (BD I) disorder who used marijuana performed better on tests of attention, processing speed, and working memory than other BD 1 patients, reports Mark Cowen at News Medical.
"These data could be interpreted to suggest that cannabis use may have a beneficial effect on cognitive functioning in patients with severe psychiatric disorders," said lead researcher Raphael Braga.
Help The Medical Marijuana Movement
I don't think any ill patients should be smoking pre rolled blunts. Cmon guys really the public is not going to continue to be accepting of mmj if you cater your business to stoners rather than patients.
Releaf Alternative in Vallejo, CA gets this perfectly. They have a very well educated staff and they know the needs of patients. They don't advertise because they don't want to be a dispensary as such. They seem to really want to maintain the collective atmosphere and stay small. CCC in Vallejo Better Health, And every other shop open other than Releaf are just weed dealers.
Ya I fuckin said it. Biiaatch!
A Mango Can Increase The Effects Of Cannabis
Marijuana and mangoes both contain a terpene chemical called Myrcene. This chemical helps the psychoactives in Cannabis cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently.
Lower quality strains of Marijuana generally do not have as much Myrcene as higher quality strains. So in order to enhance the quality of your weed, increase the amount of Myrcene in your body.
This is easily done by eating mangoes. Next time you’re at the grocery store, buy some and give it a shot. Mangoes also have various health benefits including: antioxidant & anticancer properties, good vitamin content, high iron content, and tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin.
My Hash Brownie Recipe
New Study Finds That 1 Out Of Every 8 Fibromyalgia Patients Use Medical Cannabis
Study Finds No Lasting Effects On Cognitive Skills
The use of cannabis is not associated with “enduring negative effects” on the cognitive skills in moderate to heavy marijuana consumers, according to a meta-analysis to be published in the journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
Colombia Legalizes Small Amounts of Cocaine and Marijuana
Are Dispensaries Hurting The MMJ Movement?
That's a view shared with me by a long long time, triple O.G. farmer.
He feels most average voters in Cali look at dispensaries and kinda go "medical, ya right sure looks like a weed store, dispensary owners are in it for the money, they don't care about healing and helping people."
President of Uruguay Calls for Legal Regulation of Marijuana
Judge rules against DC cigar wrapper lawsuit
WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge has ruled against a tobacco company that sued to challenge a District of Columbia law aimed at making it tougher for kids to get materials that can be used to smoke marijuana.
My Girl Miley Cyrus Spotted At Another Dispensary
Crucial Medical Marijuana Measure Pulled by Ammiano
The following statement was just released by ASA:
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and our allies have been fighting for medical cannabis regulations to protect safe access to medicine and patients’ rights since 2002, and we are going to keep fighting that important battle despite a setback today.
I Will Be The First Cannabis Sommelier
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Three Burned in Hash Oil Explosion
Weed should grow on trees.
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Review of Kushtown Soda
A C-O-N-Spiracy
Weedmaps, THC Finder, Legal Marijuana Please Update Your Dispensary Listing
Unity Conference in Sac Medical Marijuana Needs You There

Californians to Regulate Medical Marijuana Hold "Unity" Conference & Lobby Day in Sacramento
Press conference on Monday at Capitol, followed by lobby visits to each State Assembly & Senate office
Happy Mothers Day
Moms do it right playa, let'er know bout it.
Responsible Adult Cannabis Users Must Set Example For Future Stoners
Adult cannabis users have a responsibility to show younger users how to enjoy this wonderful plant in a responsible manner.
Whatever that is to each one of you, take it seriously.
A family member of mine, 15 years of age, started smoking marijuana recently. So what should I say to him. Well, that's between me and him to be honest but it might go something like this:
Your too young to be smoking weed. Really your too young to truly enjoy what it has to offer. But since I know your going to smoke weed anyways look be smart about it.
Don't take huge massive rips to impress your friends, take a nice size rip but don't over do it. Smoke then evaluate. Am I stoned? Stoners way too often blaze bowl after bowl never stopping to see if they can feel the effects.
Pace yourself with concentrates. They can be very unhealthy if made improperly, Use a vaporizer because smoking is stupid. Period. Your Gen should be vaping.
Respect the good herb and take it easy. Cannabis is best enjoyed when it is not abused.
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Vallejo Police Department Taking Medicine Away From Patients
Nancy Pelosi Asks Feds To Stop Senseless MMJ Crackdown
Matt Shotwell Do You Have A Minute For The Little People?
Calistoga Police Sgt. Doesn't Know State MMJ Laws
I read an article in my local paper in which a man was arrested for possession of a small amount of hashish. The man had a state issued MMJ card but it was expired.
A True Compassionate Not For Profit MMJ Collective
Upcoming Evaluation of Oakland 420 Evaluations
Trying to find a trustworthy, reputable, economical doctor in the Bay Area for an MMJ recommendation is pretty tough.
Stoner Etiquette Tip 1 of ???
If you ask a friend to assist you in obtaining reefer and they come thru for you, it is proper etiquette that you smoke them out with said bud promptly after its obtained.
This is a customary and widely known stoner thank you. It will be expected of you, and can also be expected by you if your the one finding weed for your potna, it's ok and justified that you get smoked out for your successfully securing da ganja requested.
Situations Assosiated er sumthin
--The above is assuming your friend ain't making money off you or pinching your sack agreegiously.
--This is 1 of the 3 most important stoner etiquette tips
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An Anti 4/20 Protest in Sac
Oaksterdam Pledges To Re-Open After Raid
Oaksterdam Rain in Progress by Feds
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Legalization's Secret Weopon

I realized two years ago that not a single national cannabis legalization organization was reaching out to educate the voting public. A few do valuable lobbying, others provide news and information to those folks who are already supporters, and when invited, organizations like NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) present our case in public debate.
Medical Marijuana Given To 3 Year Old Patient
Cannabidiol (CBD) Explained
Marijuana Science – Cannabidiol (CBD)
Chances are if you consume marijuana, then you are familiar with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). ¬†But are you familiar with¬†CBD (cannabidiol)? ¬†If you don’t know about cannabidiol, I can’t blame you. ¬†Ever since the private sector picked up marijuana research, marijuana science information has been coming out at a neck-breaking pace. ¬†Below is a great article that I read on Toke of the Town’s site that gives the breakdown:“Other” Compound In Marijuana Shows Promise Fighting Cancer
Medical Marijuana Crackdown Explained-There Doing It To Save The Children
iPhone and Sony Hacker Arrested For Weed
Amador County Lifts Ban On MMJ Growing
The Marijuana Conspiracy Part 2
Media Manipulation
The Marijuana Conspiracy Part 1
"And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land." — Ezekiel 34/29
"Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people."
Redding Can't Ban Medical Marijuana Collectives Any Longer
Berkeley Patients Collective Newest MMJ Crackdown Target
CA County Taking Away Children Of Medical Cannabis Patients
NORML Women's Alliance of Butte County |
Two more operators of medical marijuana clinics in Vallejo enter not guilty pleas
FAIRFIELD -- Two more Vallejo medical marijuana dispensary operators appeared in court Tuesday as part of the city's and district attorney's ongoing crackdown on pot shops.
David Garcia-Flores, 24, of Fairfield, and Douglas Hernandez, 25, of Vallejo, both pleaded not guilty to numerous state drug charges. They entered their pleas separately in front of Solano County Supreme Court Commissioner William J. Pendergast.
Vallejo City Council Questions Motives of Police Raids on Medical Marijuana Collectives
Lake Forest asks Supreme Court to review pot ruling
Gov. Martinez OKs Bill Creating MMJ Fund
She took office as governor after the state already had a law permitting marijuana to be used for select medicinal purposes. Now Martinez has signed Senate Bill 240, creating a medical cannabis fund to cover the program’s costs.
Pineapple Express-Stoner Movie
Lazy court-process clerk and stoner Dale Denton has only one reason to visit his equally lazy dealer Saul Silver: to purchase weed, specifically, a rare new strain called Pineapple Express. But when Dale becomes the only witness to a murder by a crooked cop and the city's most dangerous drug lord, he panics and dumps his roach of Pineapple Express at the scene.
Deadline nears for Fresno pot shops to shut down
"I've never grown anything in my life," said Vas, who has long bought pot at a dispensary for back pain. "But now there's no other way."
This week marks the end of the grace period for 15 or so medical marijuana dispensaries that were given six months to shut down after Fresno County's prohibition took effect.
With most shops pledging to close, if they haven't already, thousands of users have begun looking for other ways to get the drug.
Many were in lines that formed outside the remaining dispensaries the past two weeks, stocking up while they could. Some were drawn to closeout promotions, such as markdowns on Mr. Nice and Blue Dream marijuana strains or raffles that promised free medicine.
Shambhala Healing Center Latest Victim of Federal Crackdown on Medical Marijuana
"Three days ago, we received the devastating news that U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag has threatened Shambhala Healing Center's landlord with property forfeiture, fines, and/or imprisonment if we do not close within 45 days. ... These threats are based on federal laws against cannabis and Shambhala's proximity to the Jose Coronado Playground at 21st & Folsom." Shambhala is asking patients to contact local officials.
A Shambhala cut of Blue Dream
Over at their website: "Shambhala waited 18 months [before] opening and is a legal permitted medical marijuana dispensary."
-"San Francisco’s planning commission sent surveyors to ask the community if they objected to Shambhala’s opening and it was not opposed."
-"The fastest route from Shambhala to the playground is approximately 1600 feet, since we are not yet able to walk through buildings or fly."
Speaking of flight, Shambhala had great ones. Magic Carpet, you will be missed.
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Eight Facts About Medical Marijuana
Vallejo Police Ignore State Law Close 2nd Dispensary
Update on Greenwell Collective and Matt Shotwell
President Obama's War on Weed
USA -- Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.
States Attorney Warns Farmers Not To Grow Weed
Nevada's Distribution Law Declared Unconstitutional
Court Rules Cities Can't Ban Dispensaries and Must Grow Their Own
The Science Behind Why Your Weed Smells So Good
U.S. States Attorney Says Dispensary Profits Pissed Him Off
Letter From A Patient of Raided Greenwell Cooperative
Homeland Security Searches Your Facebook For Marijuana
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) |
I don't feel like a terrorist just because I smoke weed. Do you? |
43% Of Marijuana Patients Say Organic Cannabis Is Essential
No Longer Sad |
This fine cola of Panama Red was grown organically in a greenhouse in Washington state. |
Rhode Island Gov., Legislature Agree Marijuana Dispensaries
Worth Repeating: Marijuana and the Psychology of Optimal Experience
Cannabis May Halt Multiple Sclerosis
Colorado Bill To Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Qualifies For Ballot
“This could be a watershed year in the decades-long struggle to end marijuana prohibition in this country,” said Art Way, Colorado manager of the Drug Policy Alliance in a statement Monday. “Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities. It fuels a massive, increasingly brutal underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens.”
California Court Decision Affirms Legality Of Storefront Dispensaries
The case People v. Colvin involves William Frank Colvin, the operator of Hollywood Holistic Inc., who was arrested while lawfully transporting a pound of medical marijuana from one collective he operates to another. Even while acknowledging that Colvin was operating a legitimate dispensary, the trial court denied him a defense on the grounds that transportation of medical marijuana was illegal under state law. After being denied a defense, Colvin was convicted.
Former MLB Player Tries To Eat Weed, Get Busted
Vallejo Police Snitched To Feds About Greenwell Cooperative
They also arrested Greenwell's founder and owner Matt Shotwell. Twice. Ya the VPD had to rearrest Shotwell because their fucking idiots and had a clerical error the first time. Yeah I said it.
Greenwell Cooperative raid raises questions about timing
Feds Arrest Owner of My Favorite Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Matt Shotwell, preprietor of Greenwell Cooperative in Vallejo, is escorted to a Vallejo police car by Cpl. Rich Bottello, right, and Officer Felipe Hernandez as he is transported to the Solano County Jail in Fairfield Tuesday night. The marijuana dispensary was raided Tuesday morning by Vallejo, county, state and federal agencies. (Mike Jory/Times-Herald)
My Thoughts On Medical Marijuana
The knowledge I've acquired about the benefits of cannabis has totally blown my mind. This plant is the safest option in our Pharmocopia, in respect to adverse side effects, or any side effects of serious concern if vaporized rather than smoked.
Marijuana may block Alzheimer's
They hope the cannabinoid may be used to developed new drug therapies.
The research, by Madrid's Complutense University and the Cajal Institute, is published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
Dr Susanne Sorensen |