Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts


"Regulate Marijuana Like Wine” Finds 62% Support In New California Poll

A voter survey commissioned by California’s Regulate Marijuana Like Wine (RMLW) initiative campaign suggests the initiative could win at the polls in November—if it manages to make it on the ballot in the first place.
RMLW is one of handful of proposed 2012 California marijuana legalization initiatives, all of them ill-funded. For any of them to make the ballot, they have to come up with more than 500,000 valid voter signatures by April, a task that is considered almost impossibly to accomplish by volunteer efforts alone.
RMLW commissioned the poll in a bid to show potential funders it could win in November, and with these poll results, the campaign can now make that argument. California initiative watchers estimate that it would take between $1 and $2 million in paid signature-gathering to make the ballot.