
MJ Decrim Drops Youth Crime Rates by Stunning 20%

California -- Marijuana — it’s one of the primary reasons why California experienced a stunning 20 percent drop in juvenile arrests in just one year, between 2010 and 2011, according to provocative new research.
The San Francisco-based Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) recently released a policy briefing with an analysis of arrest data collected by the California Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center. The briefing, “California Youth Crime Plunges to All-Time Low,” identifies a new state marijuana decriminalization law that applies to juveniles, not just adults, as the driving force behind the plummeting arrest totals.

Outdoor Cultivation Banned In Sacramento, Greenhouses OK

The headlines in the mainstream press read "Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation Ban," but the Emerald Growers Association (EGA) and California NORML both endorsed Sacramento's personal use medical cannabis cultivation ordinance, which follows a statewide trend in outlawing the outdoor cultivation of medical marijuana. What's up?


Feds Demand Mendo County MMJ Records

In an ominous development, the United States federal government has subpoenaed financial records kept by Mendocino County, California, regarding its medical marijuana program, official sources have confirmed.


Happy Thankgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. MMJ advocates have a lot to be thankful for this year.


Weed Should Grow On Trees

Man I wish weed grew on trees, then like...


- Posted from my jailbroken iPod



Waking Up To A Brand New (Marijuana) Reality In Colorado

Weed,cannabis,marijuana,legalize,colorado,pot,amendment 64

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Coloradans woke up to a brand new reality. The night before, residents voted to legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol and tobacco and make it available to anyone over the age of twenty-one to use and possess as well as allow every adult to grow up to six plants. For some people who have fought against marijuana prohibition for decades, this is a huge day in the history of Colorado and a step forward in removing over seventy-five years of propaganda and, hopefully, rewriting the tarnished history of a little plant called cannabis (a.k.a., “marijuana.”)


D.A.R.E. Program Drops Marijuana

Could DARE finally have come to its senses regarding marijuana?

Has the national DARE organization -- Drug Abuse Resistance Education -- removed the discussion of marijuana from its curriculum? It appears the answer is yes, reports Kevin Shaub at KNDU.


Washington State Legalizes Marijuana


Washington State Joins Colorado By Passing A Marijuana Legalization Initiative

The good news just keeps rolling in! Washington State media outlets are calling a victory for I-502, as are activists. That makes 2! The feds are going to have their hands full if they try to interfere with democracy. Below is the reaction from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:

Colorado Becomes The First State To Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana Is Now Legal In The State Of Colorado It is blowing my mind to say this, but marijuana is now legal in a state in America. I get to fly to Colorado tomorrow, and I will be flying into the first official state that legalized marijuana in America. Colorado Amendment 64 has passed. This is a historic day. Kudos to all that helped, big ups to the staff, to the volunteers, to the voters, etc.


Colorado and Washington Voters Legalize Marijuana

Colorado and Washington Voters Legalize Marijuana


Update on Colorado Marijuana Legalization

20% reporting with 53% Yes

- Posted from my jailbroken iPod

Massachusetts Becomes 18th State To Legalize Medical Marijuana

Massachusetts Becomes 18th State To Legalize Medical Marijuana

- Posted from my jailbroken iPod


Vote Medical Marijuana.org

Vote Weed Cannabis Marijuana Legalize Pot Colorado Oregon Washington

What Happened To The Owners Of Vallejo's Shuttered Dispensaries

Cannabis Weed Marijuana Legalize Vote Pot

I was just thinking WTF happened with to the owners of Vtowns raided and closed dispensaries?

Marijuana's Prohibition Hurts Americas Youth

A report released today by the Marijuana Arrest Research Project revealed the extent of marijuana prohibition in Colorado and its devastating costs to our communities.