
Cannabis Compound Halts Cancer

The CBD compound found in cannabis is non-toxic
A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe.
The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy.

Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports.

The authors stressed that they were not suggesting patients smoke marijuana.


Benefits and Information on CBD

Barriers between pro-Cannabis MDs and the medical establishment are falling. Doctors who monitor cannabis use by patients were bursting with questions yesterday during a talk by Sean McAllister, PhD, who has been studying the anti-cancer effects of cannabinoids in the laboratory (on a grant from NIH and with a license from the DEA). The occasion was the winter meeting of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians. "That's a very good question," McAllister would say, and provide the answer, and tie it back into his main thread.

How Can Marijuana Be So Misunderstood?

I recently met someone who is absolutely 100% against marijuana use and she also believes that this plant has zero medical value. She has been taught her whole life that this is an addicting, dangerous drug. She has never tried cannabis but does have people in her life who are "stoners."
Never have I met someone so viahmently against marijuana. She is even in the health industry. I can tell I will never be able to change her mind about marijuana.
I created this site to try to change peoples thoughts and feelings about cannabis. But the propaganda that has been used against pot and it's users has worked for the establishment. They have convinced so many people that weed is horribly bad.


U.S. Using Unmanned Drones Against Marijuana Smugglers

Program Costs Taxpayers
$​2,608 Per Seized Pound of Marijuana

U.S. border patrol agents are using drones -- the same type used to fight the Afghanistan war -- to locate illegal shipments of marijuana being smuggled across the Mexican/American border.

But based on the federal government's own statistics, it remains to be seen if use of the expensive, unmanned aircraft to supposedly halt the flow of weed into the United States can be financially justified, reports Noel Brinkerhoff at AllGov.