
Obama Ignores Medical Marijuana During Google+ Hangout

President Barack Obama again turned to social media to connect with voters -- and again he used it to ignore talking pot.

You might have noticed that every time President Obama takes to the series of interactive intertubes, the unwashed masses want to talk, not taxes, and not turkey, but the good herb. Last year, POTUS employed YouTube and Twitter to walk among the people, and on Monday, Obama connected with his fellow Americans using "Hangout" on Google+.

Just like the last two times, viewers/voters submitted questions to the president for consideration via YouTube. And just like the last two times, a question about marijuana legalization was the top draw.

And, just like the last time, the question from a retired cop about failed drug policy and a reexamination of law enforcement priorities was not forwarded to the president.

Yet again, Obama is blameless: The White House says Google+ moderators selected the questions.

"Regulate Marijuana Like Wine” Finds 62% Support In New California Poll

A voter survey commissioned by California’s Regulate Marijuana Like Wine (RMLW) initiative campaign suggests the initiative could win at the polls in November—if it manages to make it on the ballot in the first place.
RMLW is one of handful of proposed 2012 California marijuana legalization initiatives, all of them ill-funded. For any of them to make the ballot, they have to come up with more than 500,000 valid voter signatures by April, a task that is considered almost impossibly to accomplish by volunteer efforts alone.
RMLW commissioned the poll in a bid to show potential funders it could win in November, and with these poll results, the campaign can now make that argument. California initiative watchers estimate that it would take between $1 and $2 million in paid signature-gathering to make the ballot.


Proof Marijuana Has Medical Values

Back on episode 2 of Weed Wars there was a story about a father with a young son who is afflicted with severe epilepsy. The child, 5yr old Jayden, was having multiple grand mal seizures each day and the effects of the seizures showed not only on this sweet young boy but on his father also.
For the past 4 years Jayden's dad and doctor's tried every anti-epileptic drug available. However these drugs did not seem to calm Jayden's seizures plus their were side effects. It was clear from watching the program that both Jayden and his father could not continue living like this. He would have up to 10 seizures a day. In video shot of Jayden you could see he was in constant pain and just living a miserable life. Jayden had not had a day without a seizure in over 4 years. The pain Jayden felt physically his father felt emotionally.

CBD: An Overview

"Doctors to Study Effectiveness of CBD

Tod Mikuriya, MD, did not live to see it, but his dream of investigating the medical potential of compounds in the cannabis plant other than THC is now within the grasp of his successors.

The Society of Cannabis Clinicians, the group Mikuriya founded in 1999, has drafted a “Strain Evaluation Survey” to collect data from patients who medicate with cannabis in which cannabidiol (CBD) is predominant.

CBD-rich cannabis will be available at California and Colorado dispensaries by late summer —and soon thereafter, inevitably, in other states where patients can legally use cannabis as medicine.