
My Thoughts On Medical Marijuana

I've spent many countless hours the past year or so combing medical and scientific data on anything and everything marijuana. Both pro and con.

The knowledge I've acquired about the benefits of cannabis has totally blown my mind. This plant is the safest option in our Pharmocopia, in respect to adverse side effects, or any side effects of serious concern if vaporized rather than smoked.


The Green Rush

The Green Rush

Marijuana may block Alzheimer's

The active ingredient in marijuana may stall decline from Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.
Scientists showed a synthetic version of the compound may reduce inflammation associated with Alzheimer's and thus help to prevent mental decline.
They hope the cannabinoid may be used to developed new drug therapies.
The research, by Madrid's Complutense University and the Cajal Institute, is published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

We would warn the public against taking marijuana as a way of preventing Alzheimer's
Dr Susanne Sorensen
The scientists first compared the brain tissue of patients who died from Alzheimer's disease with that of healthy people who had died at a similar age.



I once jailbroke Rappin 4-Tay's iPhone. Real shit. Go get 4-Tay's new album. Solid game all da way thru.