
Homeland Security Searches Your Facebook For Marijuana

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
I don't feel like a terrorist just because I smoke weed. Do you?
You knew it would come to this, right? Lest you think those hard-working goons at the Department of Homeland Security are slacking in their jobs -- you know, spying on your everyday activities -- it has been revealed that the domestic surveillance agency has been scouring your online postings for, among other things, the word "marijuana."

43% Of Marijuana Patients Say Organic Cannabis Is Essential

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No Longer Sad
This fine cola of Panama Red was grown organically in a greenhouse in Washington state.
Don't be afraid to ask for organic marijuana -- you have plenty of company. According to a new research study, twice as many medicinal cannabis patients said organic marijuana -- not discount pricing -- is their most critical consideration when selecting a dispensary.

Rhode Island Gov., Legislature Agree Marijuana Dispensaries

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee and the Legislature on Thursday agreed to allow medical marijuana dispensaries to open in the state after negotiating a compromise. Chafee had blocked the dispensaries from opening, fearing they would violate federal law and result in DEA raids in the state.

Three dispensaries already picked by the state to distribute medicinal cannabis could open soon after the General Assembly endorses the compromise, reports the Associated Press.

Worth Repeating: Marijuana and the Psychology of Optimal Experience

By Ron Marczyk, R.N.
Health Education Teacher (Retired)

The reductionist, "group think," cold, dogmatic drug warriors of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the DEA, and the FDA have been digesting their own misinformation for so long they have lost their humanity. 

As counterintuitive as it sounds, the" high" or "feel good" buzz from marijuana is an actual "therapeutic effect" that heals the brain, produces homeostasis and prevents many neurodegenerative conditions.

Brain homeostasis is restored by the direct action of THC/CBD-activating CB1 receptors in the amygdala which regulate our "happiness / emotional salience module." This pathway is dedicated to seeking for "meaningfulness" in our existence.