
How Can Marijuana Be So Misunderstood?

I recently met someone who is absolutely 100% against marijuana use and she also believes that this plant has zero medical value. She has been taught her whole life that this is an addicting, dangerous drug. She has never tried cannabis but does have people in her life who are "stoners."
Never have I met someone so viahmently against marijuana. She is even in the health industry. I can tell I will never be able to change her mind about marijuana.
I created this site to try to change peoples thoughts and feelings about cannabis. But the propaganda that has been used against pot and it's users has worked for the establishment. They have convinced so many people that weed is horribly bad.

In my 35 years on this earth, I know nothing to be more untrue.
Marijuana use has inherent risks, but they are minuscule. I know this from my personal use and thru studying this plant intensely for years.
I have seen first hand it's undeniable positive medical benefits for very sick persons.
Armed with all this 1st hand knowledge and published medical studies I still have no ammunition great enough to change her mind.
So I am choosing to abandon my relationship with this most beloved and beneficial natural safe substance. Without regret mind you.
But I will never stop or give up my private crusade to speak the truth about marijuana. This is a calling to me, a mission in my life if you will.
I will try to change the mind of those most important to me first, as all cannabis crusaders are obliged to do.
But as they say, if you really love something you must let it go.
I'm quitting in part to show my girl that what she thinks about weed is not necessarily true. It is NOT addicting, and that it does not take over everyones life who uses it.
This means a permanent farewell to my sweet Mary Jane. Parting though is not bittersweet, it is a natural progression of my fight to liberate the cannabis plant.

- Posted from my Jailbroken iPod

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