
Legalization's Secret Weopon

I realized two years ago that not a single national cannabis legalization organization was reaching out to educate the voting public. A few do valuable lobbying, others provide news and information to those folks who are already supporters, and when invited, organizations like NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) present our case in public debate.


Medical Marijuana Given To 3 Year Old Patient

Marijuana was the best medicine for 3-year-old Cash Hyde of Missoula, Mont. At least that's what his parents, Mike and Kalli Hyde, believe.


Missed 4:20

Dammit I missed 4:20 and I don't have any cannabis.

- Posted using my jailbroken iPod


Cannabidiol (CBD) Explained

Marijuana Science – Cannabidiol (CBD)

Chances are if you consume marijuana, then you are familiar with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). ¬†But are you familiar with¬†CBD (cannabidiol)? ¬†If you don’t know about cannabidiol, I can’t blame you. ¬†Ever since the private sector picked up marijuana research, marijuana science information has been coming out at a neck-breaking pace. ¬†Below is a great article that I read on Toke of the Town’s site that gives the breakdown:

“Other” Compound In Marijuana Shows Promise Fighting Cancer