
Weed Should Grow On Trees

Man I wish weed grew on trees, then like...


- Posted from my jailbroken iPod



Waking Up To A Brand New (Marijuana) Reality In Colorado

Weed,cannabis,marijuana,legalize,colorado,pot,amendment 64

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Coloradans woke up to a brand new reality. The night before, residents voted to legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol and tobacco and make it available to anyone over the age of twenty-one to use and possess as well as allow every adult to grow up to six plants. For some people who have fought against marijuana prohibition for decades, this is a huge day in the history of Colorado and a step forward in removing over seventy-five years of propaganda and, hopefully, rewriting the tarnished history of a little plant called cannabis (a.k.a., “marijuana.”)


D.A.R.E. Program Drops Marijuana

Could DARE finally have come to its senses regarding marijuana?

Has the national DARE organization -- Drug Abuse Resistance Education -- removed the discussion of marijuana from its curriculum? It appears the answer is yes, reports Kevin Shaub at KNDU.